Friday, July 13, 2012

The Fallen (Victims of Domestic Violence)

I saw HIM hit HER today.

I saw the slaps, the battering and the abuse that would persist even before it came. It was nothing new. I had seen it, Felt it- this spectacle, many times before. The intention always so clearly reflected in the irate dark pools of his eyes that the reverberation of the action manifested seemed to come too late. I hated him for wielding that power. I hated her for yielding to him. And I hated MY SELF for being unable to stop it.

Was I a product of Hate?

Is that why I wanted to thrash him? I was mad. I was angry. It was just so instinctively natural for me to know that only ONE would be enough. That hitting him with full force, till my palm stung with the hurt- was gratifying. It pleased me, to think of every grotesque scene plausible where I was rewarding retribution to the Man responsible for my misery. It gave me some small measure of comfort- at least for a while. Closing my eyes, with Love I embraced such thoughts till I was engulfed in Hate's cold cocoon.

And I thought...

"Life's just so weird. Sometimes we think we have all the answers... that we KNOW and we'll be able to solve everything.

What is our problem???...

Living our Life in someone else's respect, on that one person's terms we call our Mate for life, or even the one we feel will be

our Partner for life...

We Design our span of years on this Earth-

the whole foundation of it is laid on the terms that we can't go back... that our life isn't our own but of the one who will make or break it...

We change the whole course of the events that could have been... just for one man...

We mould our perspective and shape our habits, language, moods, interests to suit the other's whims...

After years of training ourselves to become a slave, we ask 'where has our life gone??

Life ditches you in the end...

And why wouldn't it ditch US???

Since we have been avoiding it... not doing anything to LIVE it... shaping it in such a way that it becomes a wrap for someone else to wear and dispose off, at his own will...

Why the hell have we surrendered our freedom and wants???

Sometimes I feel that there isn't any Soul-mate thing at all... that it's all just a huge Sham... A Big Fat Lie construed to make you float in the Realm of Unreality... take you to places you feel you want to go... the fantastic land of dreams...

I guess that's why a pragmatic would call a romantic: a FOOL... "

After fuming for hours together I felt drained.


My head hurt and my eyes burnt from their continuous loss of the silent tears. The one who gave me birth calls me 'Strong'. I realized that it doesn't matter how strong you are, for an abuse to your person, shakes up both- the victim and the witness. After expending my energy imagining every dark image possible, I was jerked out of my cataleptic despondent self by a notion that surfaced during the unconscious contemplation I had no idea was going on.

"Evil thrives on vile thoughts and deeds."

It made me realize that I was the fuel, feeding the monster- nurturing and nourishing 'Iniquity' till I was sucked dry. Naturally I lost my Peace.

My God always tells me to forgive. But how can I forgive a monster? How can I just forgive and forget years of harassment and torture and turn into a beautiful woman? I am Ugly. My mother is broken. I am tainted.

We are the Fallen.

I am not so small now, neither so young nor so naive. Losing that innocence was part of the growing up I had to do earlier than other kids of my age. Many times I wish I was NOT a Girl. Many times I wish God had made me a Boy. I'd have been Free then. I could have flown anywhere and still I would have been loved and taken care of. Because that's what females do for a male, right? That's like their 'taken for granted' sex description, a pre requisite for their 'Being'.

I didn't move when he came. I was ready this time. I felt my body being dragged across the floor and three piercing lashes. I opened my eyes and looked at Him for what He really was. I snatched the belt, threw it and walked into my room.

I was free. Touching him was beneath me now.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How To Get Out Of A Miserable Relationship

One wonders why women stay in an abusive relationship to wake up to another miserable day of torture. It's hard to understand their situation unless you've been there. With these women facing fear everyday from an abusive spouse or boyfriend keeps them trapped.

They can't continue living this way and must find the guts to get out. They need to take total control of their life and stand up to their abusive spouse or boyfriend. You must take action to get out of a miserable relationship or your life will be a waste.

Life is too short to worry about someone turning on you and it usually happens in a split second. You have probably talked to friends or family about your miserable relationship, but talk is easy, taking action is the tough part, but you have to do it. Start with relationship or marriage counseling and if it doesn't help, take the proper channels to drop this relationship.

Move out of the house or apartment you're sharing with your partner and get your own place. If money is a problem, stay with friends or relatives until you can get back on your feet. There are state attorneys that can help you through a divorce free of charge and they will issue a restraining order on this guy.

Some women keep going back to their abusive partner to take more abuse, but they must stand on their own two feet and tell them to get lost. Once you get through this mess and are ready to start a new life, get a friend to go with you to a singles event.

You need to meet new people and have some fun so you can move on and forget the nightmare you've been going through. Don't let someone else control your life and soul. Only GOD owns your soul and you own your life, so you can do whatever you want within reason.

Some guy doesn't have the right to tell you how to dress, walk, and talk, not to wear make-up or what friends not to see. These losers have low self-esteem and no confidence and they believe the world owes them, so they try making someone else miserable because of their own miserable life, so they blame you.

Don't believe it, don't take it, get out of it. After time has passed and you have gone to singles events, you will probably want to start dating again. You're probably thinking all guys are that way, but they're not. If you go to a good dating service, there are many nice guys that are totally opposite from what you're use too.

Speed dating events are for relationship minded singles, so if you are ready, try to attend one of their functions. There is a wonderful guy waiting to meet you so you can have the good life you deserve.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What About The Children?

"It is better to be from a broken home than to live in one."

I wish I knew the name of the pastor I heard on the radio who offered up that stunning statement. I'll admit my surprise knowing it was a pastor who said it. I remember smiling to myself and exclaiming aloud, "Thank you." For what he shared is something rarely heard.

For an abuse victim who dares to reveal to her friends and family members her inclination to leave her abuser, she often hears something quite different than what the pastor asserted. She will more likely hear, "What about the children?"

There it is: an emotional trump card, a ticking time bomb. Any convictions about escaping the emotional harm she and her children might face on a daily basis are at once upended and she finds herself catapulted into visions of an unavoidably disastrous future. Could it be that perhaps separating from the abuser will only make things worse? Is it true that a child is better off in an abusive household where both parents are present than in a broken home?

Today, a full decade after signing off on my divorce decree, I have to say from my experience that the pastor's sentiment makes perfect sense. Having seen both sides, being from a broken home is far superior to living in one. I also recognize that some will contest that statement and insist that a life of separate households and the blow of a severed marital relationship are somehow more destructive. That is someone else's story to tell. This is mine.

When I finally left with our four children, the kids were between the ages of 6 and 13. My relationship with my husband had deteriorated to such a state that I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The five of us lived in a constant state of fear, and the children struggled with various degrees of depression, anxiety and anger, which was most evident in the two eldest. I had done what I thought was right to maintain some semblance of normalcy, stand up for the kids when I caught my husband being overly harsh with them, deflect his anger to myself, and try to create a "happy" home. The abuse had increased so incrementally over time that I had a hard time seeing the magnitude of the dysfunction, the massive weight of oppression under which we strived to survive. Maybe tomorrow things will be different, I used to think. Maybe tomorrow he'll care. Tomorrow never came. All of my good intentions failed. Our lives never improved; in fact, they became increasingly worse.

Looking back, I can see how each child responded uniquely to the abuse, the separation and our recovery based upon their ages, personalities, perceptions and history. We have all had to work hard to reclaim our value and rebuild our lives individually and as a family. The life we share now is healthy and safe, nothing even remotely like the hell we were living in before we left.

There were several things I was able to do for my children to help them get from that place of brokenness to a place of emotional health and stability.

First: I had to admit to the harm.

In most cases, while trying to live in an abusive relationship, our tendency is to overlook, minimize or blatantly deny the abuse. We rationalize that our abuser's actions are simply consistent with male or fatherly behavior. We remind our children that their father really loves them or attempt to diminish their anguish by using pathetic excuses like, "He doesn't mean it," or "He's just going through a hard time right now." What we are really saying is that our children's feelings are not as important as their father's right to treat them badly.

Once we finally break out and acknowledge to ourselves the depth of the harm that has been done, it is vital to affirm the truth to our kids; not to burden them with our stories (which should not be borne by them), but to acknowledge theirs.

The night my kids and I left, we hurriedly packed up our most vital possessions and loaded up my van. I came out with a last armful to see the kids all sitting in their seats in silence, tears streaming down every child's face. So, I stopped everything, and we went inside and sat down together to discuss the answer to the unspoken question: What was happening to our family?

After explaining briefly why we had to leave, I asked them what was going on with them. One by one, they timidly began to share their own experiences, things that had happened in my absence, terrible words that had been said, secrets they were expected to keep. As each child shared, they all became empowered to speak up. After they finished, I simply said to them, "I am so sorry. That is abuse, and it's wrong. We are not going to live that way anymore." The words absolutely seemed like too-little-too-late, but on the other hand, I suppose it was more akin to better-late-than-never. The admission was critical, and I saw in their eyes an immediate response, visible evidence of hope.

Second: Give them a voice.

The dance of dysfunction continued for many more months, even after John moved out and the kids and I moved home. John's hide-the-ball attempts to address his addictions, abuse and his wandering eye failed, largely because my children were now empowered to share their experiences with me. They began to tell all, and when they talked, I listened, and they appreciated that I took their complaints seriously. Even my youngest daughter, only 6 at the time, didn't hesitate to say, "Mommy, I need to talk to you about something." It gave the children value and the freedom to identify actions and situations that they knew were clearly inappropriate.

It meant a lot of confrontation between their dad and I, and he hated that his coerciveness had been exposed, but now the kids and I were all working together to acknowledge the truth and speak the truth so that I could better confront it. I got all of the kids into counseling, so that they could also speak to someone objective about their experiences and even share their disappointments about me as their mother, which they had every right to work through. In many ways, I had absolutely failed them. Whatever was necessary to achieve their healing and restore their sense of their own value; I wanted them to have it.

One woman who was trying to escape an abusive marriage told me how her teenage daughter was acting out and doing poorly in school, and the woman just wanted her daughter to knock it off, and she asked me if I had any suggestions. I asked my friend if she had spent any time with her daughter to find out what was going on in her daughter's life, knowing that perhaps her daughter was struggling with what was going on at home. My friend looked at me like I was from another planet and dismissed my question completely. I fear the poor girl is simply begging, by her actions, to be seen and heard. Unfortunately, it seems that her mother simply doesn't want to be bothered.

Third: Help them to feel secure and loved.

I always wanted them to feel safe at home, but that whole dynamic had been obliterated by the abuse. For example, on Saturday mornings, the kids and I would get up before their dad and have a great time eating cereal, sitting in the family room together and watching cartoons. When we would hear his footsteps on the stairs, I think a tremor of anxiety ran through us all, and we would go silent. Sure enough, upon descending, John would begin barking orders to the kids and tell us to turn over the remote, because we had had enough fun, and it was his turn to watch what he wanted.

I never wanted them to feel that way again. We had to rebuild and reclaim what we had lost.

Although I worked full-time, I arranged an adjusted schedule so that I could get home earlier to have more of an evening with them - to converse over dinner, help with homework or be available to talk. I basically cleared my calendar. Other than lunch with friends from work or going out for coffee occasionally, my very purposeful intent was to restore their sense of security by being available to hug, help and hear them - to remind them daily for as long as necessary that I wasn't going anywhere. It was time and energy well-spent.

I have heard of some parents who, upon separating, immediately move into the singles scene, or live their lives as though nothing traumatic has occurred. The children are left in a state of constant doubt as to what is going to happen to them and whether the custodial parent also intends to leave. And we wonder why they become depressed or anxious or sick or end up on drugs or alcohol or become promiscuous or end up with an eating disorder. They simply need to know they are secure and loved. If you have the opportunity to give that to them, please make every effort to do so.

Fourth: Walk toward a new and better life.

We talked about our future. We all knew where we had come from. Now we needed to decide where we were going. In the end, what we wanted was a healthy, happy family where everyone felt safe, respected, accepted and supported. We had Friday family movie night and watched Disney movies and ate pizza and microwave popcorn and laughed and sang along with the songs. We went out of town on vacation, if only for a couple of days, just to rediscover what it meant to drive a long distance and listen to whatever music we wanted to hear on the radio, to not live by one person's schedule, to really relax without pressure or drama or guilt. All those simple things were so healing. My kids were free to claim and live a life that they all wanted. And I wanted that for them.

It has been a long, winding, rough road chock full of pitfalls and imperfection and struggles. The children still smart and grieve from many of the wounds they carry that were inflicted when their father lived with us - and since. But what we have accomplished together, and the healing and faith and strength and wisdom and character and growth in my kids' lives in the past ten years have been worth defending, worth striving for.

So, what about the children? That question caused me to doubt my instincts and live in fear of the future for too long. In hindsight, seeing what my children endured, I have far more guilt for the years we stayed than for the years since we left. In truth, once we left, we stopped living a lie and embraced the truth: It is far better to be from a broken home than to live in one.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Abusive Relationship Signs - Who's Will Shall You Honor and What Are You Fighting About, Anyway?

Have you ever noticed how some people feel so entitled to smash their will right down your throat? And should you resist, their rage bubbles up to bite you.

If you are in an abusive relationship, chances are you know this one. Take Linda and Jason, for example.

Here's a couple that enjoys what appears to be a loving relationship from the outside looking in. However, when Jason wants what he wants, he wants it now, and he wants it without any negotiation from Linda.

But, occasionally Linda will attempt to exert her will in what appears to be her effort to resist Jason imposing his will upon her. The issue can be insignificant or it can be monumental... Nonetheless, the process remains the same.

The back and forth begins... and before you know it, you are scratching your head losing sight of the original point of discord. (You heard me, you forget about what the heck you are actually fighting about in the first place.)

What ensues here is a clash of will and now a fight over Linda resisting in the first place. She knows that punishment is ahead. And she also knows that in order to usher the two of them to the other side of this blow out... she must apologize. She must become accountable for the "fight" and responsible for her partner's disenchantment.

Abuse Is About Control

These four little words, "abuse is about control" say it all. You see in abusive relationships, it's more about keeping the lines of "regulation" in order... and less about the particulars.

By way of experiment, try this... If you are on the other end of someone attempting to impose their will upon you and they anger over your efforts to resist, seek to appreciate the underlying power struggle in play.

If you pull yourself out of the back and forth long enough for the core dynamics to emerge, it will surprise your to see that you indeed have other options.

Regard and Respect of Self and Other

On the surface, this exercise my sound abstract. Trust me, it's not. Merely holding the awareness of the reality of the underlying control dynamics in play frees you up to honor yourself and respect what you know to be true for you. As you nourish that respect, you teach others to do the same relative to you... even in abusive relationships.

Going back to our example with Linda and Jason... Once Linda recognized the operative control dynamic, she could consciously choose her direction. The net result for her is one of maintaining her self-respect even in the context of Jason's bullying behavior.

This news article is brought to you by FISHING - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sexual Violence

Sexual Violence is an act of terrorism intended to create fear, to prolong inferiority, and to perpetuate women's and men's vulnerability. Sexual violence is primarily "gender" violence. It is used as a weapon to wage war on women and girls in the forms of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, female genital mutilation/cutting, trafficking, and emotional and physical abuse. Gender violence threatens peace and security. Invisible barriers prevent any effective action against these crimes within communities and nations.

We as a global society have allowed Sexual Assault, Rape, and Sexual Harassment to thrive with immunity far too long! At the heart of sexual violence is a barbaric crime against girls and women that has continued for thousands of years. We are living in a global culture of fear unable to prevent violent sex crimes. Every second of everyday women and girls worldwide suffer from domestic violence, rape, female genital mutilation/cutting, dowry-related killing, trafficking, or sexual violence. The UN has determined that, "We have become a predatory global society that isn't willing to manage predatory behavior toward girls, boys, and women!"

In industrialized and non-industrialized nations, women are not part of the political process or able to have a voice to create change nationally and internationally. They cannot be part of the solution that affects them and all of society! Somehow as a global society we have acquired a high tolerance for sexual predators and a zero tolerance for those who report rape, sexual assault, and harassment! We are living in a global culture of silence. Even though sexual violence is occurring in the world, we don't yet live in a society where survivors can openly discuss what happened to them!

"We are the only animal on the planet who repeatedly abuses and sexually assaults the smaller and weaker of the species for fun or sport." Anonymous

The three major areas of sexual brutality that are in the headlines are Sexual Assault, Rape, and Sexual Harassment. Here is a brief definition.

Sexual Assault is any form of sexual behavior that is not consented to and that causes discomfort, fear or intimidation and is considered sexual assault in most jurisdictions. Sexual assault includes indecent exposure, unwanted physical contact, including kissing and fondling, lascivious acts, as well as oral and anal sex and vaginal rape, whether with a body part or an instrument.

Rape is forced penetration facilitated by the use of drugs, alcohol, beating, knocking the victim unconscious, use of a weapon or physical force without his/her permission. Rape is an act of violence expressed through sex, but is not primarily about sex. Rape is the only crime in which victims have to explain that they didn't want to be victimized.

Sexual Harassment is intimidation, taunting, bullying, unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors or physical harassment along with inappropriate language and gestures of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination and civil rights discrimination. Persistent sexual harassment does affect an individual's employment, interferes with work performance, and creates a hostile and offensive work environment. Sexual harassment can, and often does, lead to sexual assault and/or rape.

Solutions for this heinous and barbaric crime against all of us have been slow to be enacted within any nation. Effective solutions need to address the following:

Stoppage of victimization of women while pursing legal prosecution of the predator

Acknowledgment that sexual violence is a global pandemic

Awareness that sexual violence against women reflects fundamental gender inequality

A global culture who doesn't value a woman's voice will have trouble respecting a woman's right to choose who or what she will engage in

Sexual violence is an act of terrorism intended to create fear, to prolong inferiority, and to perpetuate women's and men's vulnerability

Ending sexual violence through real education about women's full and equal rights, respectful relationships, and real consequences for criminal behavior

Any effective solutions at a community, national, or world level to prevent sexual violence need to be easily understood, simple to implement, and have the ability to pursue and prosecute predators. In addition, women must be allowed a voice of equality in the revision of their nation's constitution and bill of rights to add the words "Woman and Female"!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What to Do If You Have an Abusive Partner

What do you do when you are sensing your partner is abusive to you? Do you stay in this relationship or leave? Can you change them by 'loving' them more? Will they be truly sorry for the things they have said?

Firstly your intuition will be indicating to you, that something is terribly wrong. Your emotions will be telling you that you are unhappy in this relationship. But you reason with yourself that you really love them.

We must identify what is sexual attraction as opposed to real love. Many times we confuse our sexual feelings that we feel towards our partner - as love.'But I really love him' we say to ourselves. 'I won't feel this way towards anyone ever again!' These feelings are very strong and so real - that even though we are being abused, we keep hoping that the honeymoon period will return. We hope that we can put our differences aside even when our partners is lashing out abuse onto us.

If you have an abusive partner the best thing is to try to stand up for yourself and tell your partner quite strongly - that you are not going to be spoken to like this. Sometimes an abusive person wants to see us react, and they get a kick out of it, knowing that they have hurt us. On the other hand, when we don't stand up for ourselves strongly enough, someone may lose complete respect for us. This is due to a poor self esteem.

Secondly, is this relationship worth it? We need to ask ourselves why we might be putting up with abuse when someone totally disrespects us.

By getting some help from a counsellor or a friend, we may be able to identify whether we are being abused, as opposed to being too sensitive and taking things the wrong way.

Firstly recognise the abuse. If this is the case and it looks as if our abuser is not going to change - nor is sorry for what they have done, then it might be time to end the relationship. This is mostly for your own self-preservation as they continue to destroy you and your self-esteem. They could leave you feeling thoroughly depleted as they take from you, and then poison you with venomous words that hurt and cut deeply. This says more about them, than it does about you.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Disincentivize Abuse - Prosecute False Advertising

Yet another person I know is now attempting to divorce a man who has been highly abusive to her. This woman has strong education in psychology, and she has dated this person for three years to ensure that he was a good person; then when they got married he turned into a brute and a creep. If this can happen even in face of such strong screening tactics and application of knowledge and intelligence, then it is obvious that this happens all the time.

Many people tend to blame the victim in such situations; but in most cases the partner has no way of knowing. One acts one way while wooing and another way while married. This leads me to conclude that, like in business, in relationships there is a need for a clause against false advertising in order to correct for such abuses.

False advertising is misrepresenting the product. In business, false advertising is a crime that is punishable by fine or by jail time. In relationships, there is no clause against false advertising; and people continue to fool prospective partners, presenting themselves as good people while wooing and then turning into brutes and scoundrels when the partner is theirs.

How much greater the problem when it's not just a product being bought and sold but people's lives. How much greater the problem when as a result the person is trapped in a terrible situation. How much greater the problem when this abuse affects them and their children daily and to a far greater extent than does any malfeasance we find in the production process - indeed in many cases to a greater extent than if they were in prison or in a war.

In business there is accountability for what's said and done; but in relationships there is no such accountability. A person who wants to be a creep to his wife can get away with it in many cases, even in some situations securing custody of the kids. The same skills that one uses to entrap someone in a bad situation one uses to manipulate the courts and the public to deny his malfeasance and to blame the partner. This is good for scammers; it's bad for everyone else.

It is ironic that many of the people who claim to speak for morals or family values like to blame women in case they find themselves in such situations and to blame them more if they leave. A person who truly respects values will be against fraud and deception; and that also means fraud and deception in how one chooses to woo one's partner or how one chooses to treat one's partner while married. If someone misrepresents himself, then he has committed the original ethical violation. And it is one for which he and not his partner is responsible.

Really, anyone with skills in marketing, law or related disciplines can con people if he wants to. And when strong screening tactics fail to prevent abuse, it makes no sense to rely on them. The bottom line is that it's not difficult at all to act one way while wooing and another while married. Which means that there needs to be an incentive to not act that way.

It means that there needs to be accountability for one's conduct in a relationship, especially if it's in discord with what one has advertised while wooing the partner.

I advocate that there be statutes against false advertising in relationships, where false advertising becomes instant ground for dissolution of marriage or de facto relationship. There needs to be accountability for how people present themselves to prospective partners and how they behave when the partner is theirs. If a man presents himself as a nice person but turns out to be a brute, that is false advertising. And it is false advertising that carries vastly greater consequence than does misrepresenting a business product.

Ultimately false advertising is this: Fraud. This is as much the case in marital situations as it is the case in business. False advertising, like other forms of fraud, must be done away with. And that means changing the laws to make false advertising in relationships as illegal as it is in business.

This news article is brought to you by DRUG-ABUSE - where latest news are our top priority.