Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Creating What You Do Not Want Is Not Your Fault

Domestic violence is one of the most dis-empowering situations that a woman can find herself in. The pain is not always physical violence. It can be emotional, mental and or psychological. I specialise in working with women who have experienced situations which have caused them to be dis-empowered and violated and who want to release their past and fully step into their future. They usually find they are experiencing different types of problems after the relationship.

Some of the issues and situations they find themselves in are

Health problems



Difficulty dveloping new relationships

Attracting similar partners

Emotional difficulties

Difficult relationships with their children


Self blame

Self harm

Self medicating

Wanting to be invisible

Staying invisible, hiding out

The emotions that are running in them are in fact running in their unconscious mind. Take the example of a women who has experienced domestic violence and has managed to leave the relationship. she will have experienced many negative emotions from the abuse she has suffered. She may have beliefs that she deserves it or she is to blame. It might be a belief that people can 'see it in her', or that all men or women will do the same to her. Those beliefs will be running in her unconscious mind, she may not even be aware of them yet she finds herself in similar situations.

Many women are walking around completely confused as to what is really going on with them. They have not been shown how the unconscious mind holds onto negative emotions for the sole purpose of protecting her. That is one of the intentions of the unconscious mind, to protect. If she believes everyone will abuse her then those beliefs will stop her entering new relationships, keep her invisible or she may unconsciously attract exactly the relationship that confirms her beliefs.

By working with a coach who has experience and specialises in supporting women to release the negative emotions from domestic violence and painful relationships she can live a full life, she can delete the beliefs running outwith her awareness, she can install new, empowering beliefs and attract the loving and intimate relationships she desires.

There is life after domestic abuse. There is emotional freedom and there is a powerful, successful life full of purpose, excitement, joy and love available. Transformational coaching is one of the gifts women can give themselves to gain the learnings from the experience without forever being affected by it.

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